All posts by jeffersonian

Middle-aged planetary passenger, American lover of liberty, and observer of human threats to human freedoms.

GEOS Institute / Trout Unlimited to discuss wildfire’s environmental “benefits”

river-fireThursday, September 24 from 7:00pm-8:30pm
“The Science of Wildfire, The Science of Trout”

Venue: ScienceWorks Museum, 1500 E Main St in Ashland, OR

Dominick DellaSala will give a presentation on his new book about wildfire, “Ecological Importance of Mixed-Severity Fires: Nature’s Phoenix” and Dr. Jack Williams, the Senior Scientist for Trout Unlimited, will present about trout.

Draft County Resolution re: Fire Restrictions

Draft Resolution

WHEREAS, Douglas County is dependent upon the use of our natural resources, whether those uses are consumptive or non-consumptive, including those resources on federally managed lands; and

WHEREAS, Douglas County has an inherent and legal right to protect the health, safety, welfare, and prosperity of all peoples within Douglas County; and

WHEREAS, all lands within the exterior boundaries of Douglas County, including those on federally managed lands, are all necessary and essential for the productive and economic well-being of all peoples in Douglas County; and

WHEREAS, Douglas County has coordinated with multiple agencies, experts and has used science based analysis of upcoming fire threats, fire season hazards, including those on federally managed lands; and

WHEREAS, the people, lands, infrastructure and economic activities within the exterior boundaries of Douglas County are under imminent threat from wildfire to the threat and detriment of the people

Water heist during California drought?

Open letter re: California passing-through water during drought

I believe it is important for conservatives to stay consistent with the facts, and not help the left by muddling the facts with the left’s phony ‘drought’ narrative. As I’ve stated, there is plenty of water in CA, and the ‘drought’ is a man-made issue created for purely political purposes.

The problem is not Nestle’ or any other for-profit businesses using CA water; it’s the politicians secretly increasing the pass-through mandates for surface water, now requiring that up to 90% pass directly through to the ocean without being used for human purposes.

This is why Lake Shasta and other reservoirs APPEAR to be so depleted – it is not the lack of inflows, but the mandate to open the dam floodgates during low-rain periods and let that surface water ‘pass through’ to the ocean; in other words, eliminating the entire purpose and function of dams and reservoirs (which our tax dollars PAID FOR with the intelligent purpose of avoiding such problems associated with low rain years).

dry-docksLake Shasta

whiskeytownWhiskeytown Lake

Two pictures above tell the story.

Rick Dyer’s response re: email prompting public correction


From: Kevin G., Jackson County Observer
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 10:46 AM
To: ‘Rick Dyer’ <>;
‘Melissa Cano’ <>
Cc: ‘Colleen Roberts’ <>;
Doug Breidenthal ( <>
Subject: Public outraged by Commissioner Dyer’s Fielder Dam misstatement

Dear Commissioner Dyer and Melissa @ KDRV:

The natives are restless over the report on KDRV

California: Waterbasin-Boundary Revision’s Emergency Regulations (Comments due by 9/4/2015)

  • California’s Groundwater Update 2013: A Compilation of Enhanced Content for California Water Plan Update (4/24/2015) – 77:35 in duration
    • Waterbasin-Boundary Revision’s Emergency Regulations (5/1/2015) w/ choppy audio – 95:25 in duration… 

      The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) established a process for local agencies to request that the Department of Water Resources (DWR) revise the boundaries of a groundwater basin, including the establishment of a new subbasin. California